At Ingram Dental Centre we take pride in providing quality dental care for you and your family. Our friendly and professional staff use the latest techniques and procedures to ensure a positive dental experience for patients of all ages. We offer a wide range of dental services including preventative care, restorative care, prosthodontics, orthodontics and cosmetic dentistry in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere.
Preventative Care
One of the most important aspects of dental care is prevention. Prevention of build-ups and bacterial growth will help you maintain healthy and beautiful teeth longer. We provide professional cleanings that involve removing plaque, tartar, and calcium deposits that have built up on the teeth over time that can lead to poor dental heath. Our dentists will also provide a thorough dental exam to diagnose any potential issues and provide feedback on your dental health. As part of a dental exam X-rays may be taken using one of our in house, state-of-the-art X-ray systems. We also provide oral cancer screening services through the use of a VELScope device. Further preventative care services include sealants and root planing.
Restorative Care
Our restorative care services provide diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the oral cavity, the teeth and their supporting structures. Restorative care includes fillings, root canals, and extractions. We provide both silver and/or composite (white) fillings depening on your needs. In some cases these services can cause anxiety and we can provide oral sedatives or nitrous to help control your anxiety level. Talk with one of our dentists during your exam if this is of concern to you.
Prosthodonitic services include crowns, bridges, partial and full dentures, mini implant placement and implant restoration. Our dentists will work with and guide a dental lab through creating functional, durable and natural looking replacement teeth.
Our friendly and professional team uses modern methods and techniques to enhance your smile whether simple or more complicated changes are needed. We believe in enhancing your smile without the need to extract teeth providing a more enjoyable treatment process. Depending on your needs we provide traditional braces with both metal or clear brackets, Invisalign®, retainers and habit control appliances. See Orthodontic Services for more information.
Cosmetic Dentistry
Cosmetic dentistry allows us to create a beautiful smile that is perfectly suited to your facial features and skin tone. Through the use of veneers, tooth shaping and whitening we can create that beautiful smile that you always wanted. See Cosmetic Dentistry Services for more information.
Do you play sports or grind your teeth while you're sleeping? At Ingram Dental Centre we can create custom guards that have a personalized fit for greater comfort and safety.